Dandenong Ranges Steiner School wishes to facilitate an inclusive and diverse community and make Steiner education more available across our community. Our Scholarship program offers a limited number of subsidised places to eligible applicants, who would otherwise not have the opportunity to enrol in the school, due to financial disadvantages.

The program will offer scholarships for commencement during Term 1 2024. Applications close Friday, November 15th. Each scholarship will provide a subsidy on tuition fees for eligible students for the duration of their enrolment at Dandenong Ranges Steiner School while their family is experiencing financial disadvantage. In most cases, sundry charges such as camps and excursions will be the responsibility of parents/guardians; holders of Pension/Concession Cards can access additional government funding support for costs associated with these activities.

The total number of scholarships awarded for 2025 will depend on the number of applications at each year level, the financial impact, and the social and educational impact on individual classes and the school as a whole.

Who is eligible to apply?

To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must meet the following conditions:

1. Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
2. Be eligible for enrolment at Dandenong Ranges Steiner School
3. Provide evidence of financial disadvantage, e.g., a valid government concession card or other evidence of financial disadvantage. Accepted government concession cards are: Centrelink Health Care Card; Pensioner Concession Card; Veterans Affairs Gold Card
4. A commitment to the principles of Steiner education and Dandenong Ranges Steiner School is expected from the parents/guardians of applicants.

How will applications be assessed?

The Finance Committee will assess all applications. Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria will be invited to meet with the Class Teacher to learn more about the school, and for the school to determine if it can meet the needs of the child.

How to apply?

All applications will be strictly confidential. To apply for a scholarship, complete the Online Scholarship Application Form below or submit a scanned copy of the form and attach a copy of your Eligible Concession Card if you have one and submit via email to business.manager@drss.vic.edu.au.

Following an initial assessment of the application, all applicants will be notified of their eligibility and if the application has progressed to the Class Teacher meeting stage. Where applicable, the school will provide additional enrollment paperwork for completion and discussion following the Class Teacher meeting.

How can I find out more?

If you have any questions about the school, scholarships or the application process, please contact our Business Manager, Cath Lanigan, by emailing business.manager@drss.vic.edu.au

Terms and Conditions

  1. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must meet all of the following conditions:
  • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • Be eligible for enrolment at DRSS
  • Provide evidence of financial hardship. Generally, this will be met if the child is named as the cardholder or a dependent child on a valid government concession card within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, that is on a:
    • Centrelink Health Care Card
    • Pensioner Concession Card
    • Veterans Affairs Gold Card
  • A commitment to the principles of Steiner education and to DRSS is expected from parents/carers of applicants.
  1. Families must formally apply for a scholarship via the DRSS Scholarship Application Form.
  2. Holders of scholarships will be bound by the same rules and responsibilities and awarded the same rights as other students at DRSS
  3. Assessment of eligibility and offer of a scholarship is solely at the discretion of DRSS
  4. Scholarships can be awarded from Prep to Class 6
  5. Scholarships are subject to review each year. It is expected that scholarships are awarded until the completion of Class 6, however, DRSS may choose to award a scholarship for a shorter period.
  6. A scholarship may be terminated by the school in the event of a serious breach of school rules, or codes of conduct by the recipient or their parents/carers, or if their account falls into default according to the fee retrieval policy.
Scholarship Program Submission Form
Fields marked with an * are required.

Student Details


Family Information

Please tell us why you have chosen to apply for a scholarship at DRSS


Enrolment Details

Families have an obligation to disclose all information regarding the child’s physical, learning or behavioural needs at the time of application as outlined in the Admissions Policy & Procedure.

I/We wish to apply for the enrolment of my/our child commencing
You are required to provide a copy of your child's Birth Certificate and Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register.
Non-Australian citizens are required to provide a copy of your child’s passport and any relevant visas



Terms and Conditions
  1. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must meet all of the following conditions:
    • Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
    • Be eligible for enrollment at DRSS
    • Provide evidence of financial hardship.Generally, this will be met if the child is named as the card holder or a dependent child on a valid government concession card within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, that is on a:
      • Centrelink Health Care Card
      • Pensioner Concession Card
      • Veterans Affairs Gold Card
    • A commitment to the principles of Steiner education and to CSSK is expected from parents /carers of applicants.
  2. Families must formally apply for a scholarship via the DRSS Scholarship Application Form.
  3. Holders of scholarships will be bound by the same rules and responsibilities and awarded the same rights as other students at DRSS
  4. Assessment of eligibility and offer of a scholarship is solely at the discretion of DRSS
  5. Scholarships can be awarded from Prep to Class 6.
  6. Scholarships are subject to review each year. It is expected that scholarships are awarded until the completion of Class 6, however DRSS may choose to award a scholarship for a shorter period.
  7. A scholarship may be terminated by the school in the event of serious breach of school rules, codes of conduct by the recipient or their parents / carers, or if their account falls into default according to the fee retrieval policy.



We acknowledge that the information provided in this form is true and correct and will be used to assist DRSS to assess this application for the Scholarship Program. We have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Clear Signature
Clear Signature